
Re: Hello and Welcome! Refreshments are in the lobby.


I would like to take a second to thank you for visiting FinishingTalk.com
Our main goal is to try and bring easy colaboration for the Metal Finishing Industry online and worldwide. Knowledge is key, and communication brings knowlege.

In the future we wish to develop a very tight community with users from all over the globe. In the near future I will be adding more information to this category to better assist and inform you.

I have written a brief summary of this forum and answered a few questions I know a lot of you will have in this thread:
http://www.finishingtalk.com/forum-anno … first.html

If you have any questions or are unsure on how to use this forum, just reply to this thread and we'll be sure to help you out.

Remember, Finishing Talk isnt just for business, its like your online family!

Griffe Youngleson

Visit us on the web at:


Re: Hello and Welcome! Refreshments are in the lobby.

Its Official! Finishing Talk has Launched.

I have noticed many new members have been registering lately, but remember registration is only part of the process. We encouraged everyone to take part in the forum, the more posts we have the closer we will  we to developing the community we are striving for.

Griffe Youngleson

Visit us on the web at: