Topic: Open Letter to BIGS Experts in Residual Stress NDT / NDE
I want to open a debate on the issue of residual stress of metallic materials, it is not meant to be a treatise on the subject as is well known to all experienced the phenomenon. I want to review the major technical innovations concerning the usual and known current systems such as X-ray diffraction method, Ultrasonic Method, the system Barkhausen. Magnetic Non-Destructive Method all except the blind-hole drilling strain gage method (Rosetta) There is nothing new in the sunlight.
The number of conferences and meetings and countless other very expensive and among those who argue are always the same great experts, great academics of the subject, but the systems do not change are always the same equipment even more sophisticated but still with the usual drawbacks of practicality and high costs. Basically the world of measurements of residual stresses in metallic materials is a world closed to new discoveries in this field. Prominent case of experimentation mechanical SEM Society, who called himself an independent but which is sponsored by Vishay (rosettes) and whose head of technical section of residual stress does not deign to respond with a letter being logically linked companies in the sector. Not taking account of the journals that apply the same method.
It is still proper and fair that those men who were open to this new system and who deserve my thanks: Kenji J. Krzywosz EPRI-CharlotteSrersonname. Project Manager, NDE Prof. Dr.Ing Berthold Scholtes für Werkstofftechnik - Metallic Werkstoffe Universität Kassel Y. Kudryavtsev, J. Kleiman Integrity Testing Laboratory Inc. dot. Mike Steinzig Los Alamos National Laboratory For the attention and keen interest paid to this innovative system for measuring residual stress NDT / NDE.
I would then have an open discussion on this subject over the Internet with one of them will want it also because the costs of related conferences not allow me to meet them easily.
Ennio Curto.
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