
Topic: material properties of electroless nickel plating

I am seeking the material properties of nickel with the use of electroless nickel plating process. The desired data is similar to the table below

TABLE I — Material Properties of Hard Gold, Palladium and Palladium Alloys
Materials PropertiesHard AuPdNi*
(20 wt%)
(20 wt%)
Grain Size (Å)200-25060-200050-22050-150
Density (g/cm3)17.311.710.710.8
Thermal Stability (C)150‹450380395
Hardness (KHN25)140-200150-500450-550590-640
Ductility (E% @ 2.5mm)‹33-‹103-‹103-7
Porosity Index
--Connector Pins (1.5mm/2.5mm Ni)0.7--0.110.02
--Laboratory Coupons (on 1cm2 surface, 1mm GFPdX)
Wear Properties (load: 100g)
--Cycles to failure (x1K)20‹80**35‹80
--Coefficient of Friction @ 10K cycles0.6031**0.550.43
Relative Cost (Pd/Au)1.000.630.460.47

