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- Registered: 04/09/2010
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Topic: Manual Rinsing in an automated world
I am quite new to metal finishing. I have spent 12 years in quality management but only 2 months in the industry. I am a quality manager in a small job shop where "cost cutting" is king and everything is manual processes!
We "hose" rinse every lot after each tank sequence. We have no air agitation tanks but we do have hot soak and dead rinse (as well as drag out) tanks. Grease spots are creating internal rework on at least 40% of our lots. As quality manager I am having trouble controlling this issue. Scolding operators ("you are not rinsing well enough") is not the right approach. Any advice would help!
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- Registered: 05/06/2009
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Re: Manual Rinsing in an automated world
I feel your pain and you are right. I know what you are going through, been there done that. It is usually the expense and they don't realise what they are doing is costing them more in the long run. When was the last time the soak was changed? The fats build up after time and you drag them out and the cold water rinse just sets the spots in place. You are right adgitation would help. Not knowing your layout it is hard to say if this helps but hopefuly it helps.
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- Registered: 04/09/2010
- Posts: 3
Re: Manual Rinsing in an automated world
We half replenish our soak weekly with full replace once a month. When I see a rash of grease spots it is evident that the tank environment has everything to do with the problem. We will have 2 days with terrible problems and then all better. I appreciate your response Jim.
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