Southern Metal Finishing

Re: With renewed vigor, I look forward to next 50 years


Rear view perspectives - from the editor
With renewed vigor, I look forward to next 50 years

It is hard to believe that 2006 is behind us now and we’re already knee deep in 2007.
I, for one, feel revived and enthused about what this year has to offer.  To kick off the New Year we’ve announced a new partnership with Metal Finishing Magazine and TIGER Drylac USA.  Together we are offering comprehensive, two day, Powder Coating Courses with stops around the country throughout the year in Dallas, TX, Boston, MA, Charleston, SC, and Los Angeles, CA. 

This combined with what promises to be the biggest Southern Metal Finishing Conference yet, should make for a very exciting year!  And as far as the newsletter goes, we’ll continue to bring you more hands on, practical articles on powder coating, chrome replacement products, and keep you up to date on Surface Finishing developments happening in and around the South.

As many of you know I spent a couple of days during the first week of January at the NASF board meeting in Chicago.  I must admit, before the meeting convened, I was a little skeptical of how my ideas would be perceived and acted to by my fellow board members.  But after spending two long days in Chicago working along side of these very talented volunteers, I can now say with complete confidence and from first hand experience, that the talent is in place to create a new synergetic alliance in our industry capable of facing the future challenges while protecting and promoting our industries abilities.  It is with renewed vigor that I look forward to the next 50 years in the Surface Finishing industry.

The first order of business for this meeting was to elect the officers who will serve as our leaders for 2007.  The officers elected by the board are as follows: President: Ray Lucas; VP: John Kinne: Secretary/Treasurer: Paul Frank; Immediate-Past President: Mike Kelly and member at large: Joelie Zak.    Together, under their leadership, we will all work together to strengthen and advance the agenda of the US Surface Finishing Industry.

The remainder of our meeting was devoted to establishing goals and objectives to revive the committees.  Breakout groups were then formed to brainstorm on ways to reinvigorate the following committees: Member Services, Supplier, Communications / Industry Promotion, Government Advisory, Events, and Management.  Many new and exciting ideas poured forth during these sessions.

As for me personally, I will devote the time and energy necessary to create a successful strategic initiative for industry promotion.  I will be working with the new Communications/ Industry Promotion committee in collaboration with our Affiliates and Branches, to develop a 3-5 year strategic plan outlining the steps necessary to create and implement some of the following programs and campaigns:

* A self sustaining committee with fund raising activities to support its activities.

* A member recruitment plan aimed at 500 New Members each year for the next 3-5 years

* New self-sustaining projects similar to the Bright Design Challenge. 
* An online version of P&SF designed to help increase ad revenue by 10-20% in 2006.

* A “What is Metal Finishing” brochure to be distribute to 13-14 year old, science and chemistry students around the country in mass.
* Reach out to the Powder Coating and Organic finishing industry sectors.
* A science fair held at Sur-Fin each year and judged by the Technology committee, with scholarships, prizes and recognition for participants and winners.

* An alliance with high school science and chemistry teachers to open another avenue to our youth to be introduced to surface finishing.

* A mentoring and apprentice program helping connect students with actual working shops.

The committee will schedule its first conference call before the end of January.   If you are interested in participating in this committee or have new ideas that you feel should be considered by them,  please contact NASF at (202) 457-8401 our send an email to and I’ll see that it gets to the right person.

Thanks for your continued support,  and make it a Great New Year!


Paul Fisher
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