
Topic: bulk anodizing

I have the undaunting task of trying to reduce the percentage of bad parts in my bulk anodizing process. we process 2024 in type two anodize in titanium baskets. I am currently averaging 5% bad per load. (burn and misses constitute the problems) 


Re: bulk anodizing


Type II anodizing of 2024 in a titanium basket? Sounds like a bad idea, you should use titanium racks with good contact and then be sure to use a ramping in the beginning of the anodizing process. You could also use Pulse anodizing, see my blog www.anodizingworld.com for more information both of the racking issue and the pulse process.

Sunny regards



Re: bulk anodizing

I was thinking along the same lines as Anne, but with my limited anodizing experience, I didn't want to post anything previously.  

Since you are forming a non-conductive layer, you really want to make sure you have strong contact points between the piece and the anode rack.

-Dustin Gebhardt, CEF

Advanced Manufacturing/Finishing Engineer


Sanford, NC


Re: bulk anodizing

when i say bulk Anodize i realy mean bulk. my orders are 20k-150k. small alluminum nuts. racking is out of the question.


Re: bulk anodizing

The trick to bulk anodizing is the basket and the way the parts are arranged and prevented from movement during anodizing.  I can imagine that for nuts nesting would be a problem.  Have you considered other bulk techniques?  Putting the nuts on a spindle or other techniques compatible with automated racking might work. 


Re: bulk anodizing

We do hundreds of bolts at a time. You should use a titanium rack that has spring clips. This requires a deeper rather than a wider tank. Check out some photos at Anodize World

Last edited by anodizeworld (09/26/2014 - 03:22 AM)

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